As part of our new strategy to get into the 21st century and become more involved in the community we have decided to go extremely digital! Starting this semester (Spring 2012 in case you live in another dimension of reality), we are going to keep you up to date on all the goodness that is Psi Chi, including pictures, fun articles or quotes that we may come across and any other goodies that are psychologically (or otherwise) related.
We want to start off by introducing each of the cabinet members:
Amanda Martens:
"Hope to see ya'll (look my kansas is coming out) there!"
Amanda Martens, ginger haired with an ever ready laugh, started at ESU in Fall 2011 in a Master's program in Experimental Psychology. She is currently training to be a rat master and will probably populate Visser Hall with rats that are at her beck and call. Ever ready to take on way too much responsibility, she is a permanent fixture in the GTA office (oh, forgot to mention she's a GTA). Amanda is from Iowa.
Vice President:
Dinusha Warusavitharana
"my furry coat is purple...i look like a purple berry and i make everyone pet my coat"
Known affectionately to Amanda as "my little Shri Lankan friend" and to Andrea DuBois as "travel-size" and typically considered a nerd amongst the GTAs, even though her nerdiness gets her cool points in her new Office of International Education GA position, Dinusha started at ESU in Fall 2010. She is in the MS in Clinical Psychology program. She is currently interning at the Mental Health Center. Her recent purchase of a furry purple coat has made her a common receiver of hugs. Dinusha is from Sri Lanka.
Andrea DuBois
" Sometimes you just need to take a nap."
The craziness that is Andrea cannot be put into words. With profanity at the drop of a hat, an uproarious yet highly infectious laugh, a very big heart, and a propensity to love chocolate, Andrea is possibly the most colorful member in our cabinet! She started at ESU in Spring 2011, is a GTA along with Amanda, and the current Rat master (Yoda) teaching her Luke Skywalker (okay, was that too much?) the tricks of the trade. She is in the MS in Clinical Psychology program. Andrea is from Wichita, KS.
Fundraising Chair:
Tasia Farley
"I'm about to try and cram 200 pages of arrogant blow-hard into my head so I can rock a test tomorrow... Scintillating, huh?!"
Tasia is our residential motherly person and the only conscience our organization has! Her sense of humor, friendliness, and strong belief in giving back to the community are the driving forces behind the fundraising part of ESU Psi Chi. Tasia is in the MS in Clinical Psychology program. Tasia is from Wellington, KS.
Liuhan Cai (aka Sophie for the language-challenged)
Liuhan, otherwise known as Sophie, personifies ESU Psi Chi's exploitation of the stereotype that Asian's are excellent at math (bear in mind, this is written by an Asian who sucks at it). While her quote may belie her genius, no doubt she will prove the stereotype proud! Liuhan is an undergraduate in the psychology program. Liuhan is from China.
Kristi Gildner
Kristi was the former president of Psychology Club and an ever present and active member of both clubs in her years at ESU. Her extensive knowledge of the mysterious inner workings of ASG and ESU bureaucracy has made her a valuable asset in ESU Psi Chi's search for its soul. Kristi is an undergraduate in the psychology program. Kristi is from Derby, KS.
And last but not least:
Our Otherworldly Advisor
Dr. John Wade
"I was actually going to blame you too. But I'm glad you did it first."
"Would it make you feel better if I drew a smiley face on the board?"
"I don't like being in the gray area."
Dr. Wade is an associate professor at ESU, who teaches multiple classes including Seminar in Psychopathology, Family and Group Systems, and many others. Given the tremendous task of filling the vacuum left in the psychology department, Dr. Wade has taken it all into stride and so far has not lost his marbles. Considering the current cohort of students he has to deal with, however, it's only a matter of time. Dr. Wade is from Lawrence, KS.
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