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Monday, June 18, 2012

Wrap up of Spring 2012

Yes I know it's been a while but school life just took over and it took a ridiculously long time to free some time to wrap up our fabulous Spring semester! Many apologies everyone!

Ever since the success that was the Kiss the Animal contest, our psi chi members have been busy bees! Here's a run down of the events that took place after Kiss the Animal along with accompanying pictures (when we have them!):

Psi Chi-ers donated their valuable time to help out in the community by helping judge at the Emporia Area Regional Science and Engineering Fair (EARSEF) - wasn't that a mouthful? - and by helping clean up after the tornado at Harveyville - there were some tears shed but our psi chi-ers left knowing they made a difference!

Emporia Area Regional Science and Engineering Fair

Harveyville Tornado Clean-Up

The next few events that went down are presented in no particular order:

  • A joint endeavor with our fellow psychology-related clubs including SSIOP and Psychology Club, where students got a chance to earn some research experience by collecting data for a survey on local car buying habits that helped us earn a whopping $250!
  • A joint endeavor with the ESU Office of International Education to throw a Spring Concert for students and the community that featured a local bluegrass band. I must say I was pleasantly surprised at how lovely the music was (like most snobby young people I probably had some seriously negative misconceptions about bluegrass music that I was very pleased was blown out of the water!)
  • Attendance and presentation of posters at a regional conference: Great Plains
  • Presentation of a Webinar on Graduate Study in Psychology which was prompted in response to requests for more informational sessions! You asked, we listened! Psi Chi was able to get a special discount from APA to present this particular webinar at ESU! - We are also open to more suggestions if you have any!
  • Psi Chi helped out the local community by making May Day cards for the elderly and helping clean our designated highway that we have adopted (we even got to see horses! see pics below)

Working hard making cards!

Lastly, we had an amazing psi chi induction ceremony with a record number of inductees! We also had an absolutely amazing key note speaker, Major George M. Boyd,  who was so coveted that ESU had a special event on campus prior to the induction ceremony to allow non-members to appreciate him! Special thanks to our amazing former secretary, Andrea DuBois, for arranging to have him come speak. Our initiate group was so large this semester that we had to scramble to find an alternate location to hold the ceremony!

Attendees awaiting the beginning of induction

Cabinet members of Spring 2012 and Major & Mrs. Boyd

New inductees and cabinet members

Inductees lined up and ready for induction

New inductees, cabinet members and speaker
Major George M. Boyd giving his key note speech to the new inductees
Cabinet members inducting new inductees

New inductees all lined up

Our secretary jump starting the ceremony
Our member of the semester award recipient: Josh Gilbertson!

Well that's all for now folks! Look forward to hearing about our escapades in Orlando, Florida, as we attend the annual APA convention this year!


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